How to build :bcrypt_elixir on windowscould not compile dependency :bcrypt_elixir, “mix compile” failed. Errors may have been logged above. You can recompile this dependency…Jan 7Jan 7
Designing a Sign Up form in Flutter for a production grade super app(WeChat clone) part 1There are a lot of sign Up forms in Flutter all over the internet and you might think what is special about this?Nov 24, 2021Nov 24, 2021
Using generated route for production grade Flutter app (WeChat clone)In my previous article I have discussed the folder structure of my production grade large scale flutter app. The article can be found here.Nov 18, 2021Nov 18, 2021
Production level Flutter project structure for a super app (WeChat clone)I am challenging my self by taking a challenge to develop a production grade complete WeChat clone app in Flutter.Nov 16, 20212Nov 16, 20212
Processing streams with FlutterStream processing has become so important in programming because of a lot of data steams generated from user data like chat, IOT device…Nov 14, 2021Nov 14, 2021
Taking Challenge to develop a super app like WeChatI am a full stack software developer with 13 years experience developing business automation applications.Nov 14, 20211Nov 14, 20211
null vs undefinedEver wondered the difference between null and undefined? Well here is the difference between the two.Jan 4, 2020Jan 4, 2020